How's your new year fitness regime going?
It's hard to believe, but I'm now in my tenth month of working with Luke at Luke Bremner Fitness. I love what I do there on a Tuesday and a Thursday morning… and those who know me are very complimentary about the results I've achieved through regular exercise, better nutrition and more sleep.
Over the past three or four months I've fallen into a very comfortable groove - a bit like wearing a pair of favourite slippers - hence the reason why I haven't written a blogpost in months!
Luke creates and adapts workouts for me which focus on different parts of the body and muscle groups. Some of the more recent exercises have been challenging - hyper-extensions being one of them - but I've been delighted with my progress and how well I've met these new challenges. In addition we continue to monitor and analyse my food and fluid consumption as well as evaluate things like posture etc. So everything is tickerty-boo!
Well, it was. That was prior to this morning's workout!
Today Luke decided to mix things up a little for me, in a way that only Mr Bremner knows how. More sets, more reps, less rest time. It was intense and I coped as well as I could. In fact, I even managed to surpass a couple of personal goals, which in itself thrilled me. But by the end, I was completely spent.
As I hurtle towards a rather significant birthday, I know that I'm probably in the best shape that I've ever been in. More importantly I'm ensuring that I'm match-fit for the second half of my life - which was one of my main aims when I first approached Luke last year and asked for his help.
There's an inspirational phrase that I saw recently that keeps popping into my head. It read "Losers quit when their tired, but winners quit when they've won!" I apply this saying to those with shiny new January gym memberships, but who've already created excuses in February as to why they can't go any more.
If, like me, you decide to invest the time and money in order to transform your body and be a happier person, then Luke and Keith at Luke Bremner Fitness really are the boys to help you. Why not give them a call and see if they'll do an evaluation session for you? Just remember to tell them that I sent you!