I'm finding it difficult to comprehend that I've reached the end of my second six months working with Luke at Luke Bremner Fitness. I can confidently say, that with the excellent guidance and motivation from Mr Bremer, I've certainly built on the progress I made throughout 2014.
Early this week I found it amazing to review the goals and incentives I set myself back in January, and to realise how many of them I've actually achieved.
From a physical perspective, my core muscles continue to improve and strengthen, as do the muscles in my arms, legs and chest. In general I feel much stronger than I've ever done. More recently new stretching exercises have started to pay dividends in my workout routines and with my posture.
With regards to nutrition, I've spent the first half of this year focussing on my daytime meals and trying to getting these right. Apart from consuming too much cake and champagne around my birthday, I've continued to maintained my body weight during this period. When it became apparent that I was over-cooking the calories, a quick modification to MyFitnessPal settings helped me bring everything back under control again.
So in summary, I'm thrilled!
When I embarked on my body transformation programme, I was aware that no one keeps a personal trainer forever. All the time that I've been going to Jamaica Street I've been super-happy. So the prospect of "What happens next…?" was beginning to make me anxious. My biggest fear was that I would lapse into my bad old ways as soon as I stopped working with Luke. He, on the other hand, kept confidently telling me that "That's not going to happen Derek."
So I set of one of my January goals to be the purchase of some new exercise equipment. I'd identified an area in my abode that I could reconfigure into a compact home gym. I felt this option would be more beneficial to me, than signing up for a gym membership. Over the past month I've been demolishing, painting and preparing the area in readiness. Last weekend was spent constructing and building the kit I'd ordered for myself. I have to say it looks very smart and it suits my needs perfectly.
However I don't feel ready to say cheerio completely to Luke just yet and go it alone. With his agreement, we've decided that some extra time at LBF would be most useful for me. But the status quo is changing. From this week onwards I'll now be doing two workouts at home and only one supervised in person by Luke.
Certainly interesting times ahead. Exciting. Challenging. Slightly scary.
I'll continue to report back and let you know how the game is progressing.