Towards the end of 2015 the Ladybird Books for Adults became a "must have" purchase for people of a certain age in the UK. The Hipster, The Shed, The Mid-Life Crisis and Mindfulness were parodies of subjects covered with wit and humor.
One particular page in the How It Works: The Wife book literally made me laugh out loud. Juxtaposed to an illustration of a ballet class, with a ballerina performing a pirouette in the foreground, the text reads: "Rosie is a member of a fitness club. There she has tried crossfit, spin and ultra-ballet. Her £600 annual membership meant that each visit last year cost £200."
The reason why I found this so funny is because I know people - of both sexes I hasten to add - who've spent huge amounts of cash on gym membership fees but within weeks of joining have lost interest in their own well-being. The one phrase that really irks me, when chatting to anyone about fitness and nutrition, is when they say, "Yes, I really need to hit the gym hard!"
Over the past couple of years of working with Luke and his team at Luke Bremner Fitness, I've come to realise this is a misconception. Unless you're in good shape to start with, immediate results from the gym are often unobtainable. We're so used to living in an "on-demand" age, that when desired body transformations don't happen as quickly as we'd hoped, we simply give-up and lose interest.
My advice to anyone embarking on a programme to change their body and diet, would be to stop thinking "short haul" and start thinking "long haul." Something that spurred me into action, was the sudden realisation that I wasn't getting any younger. The prospect of spending my senior years taking prescribed medication every morning is an unattractive concept. Hence the reason why I've been working on getting myself match-fit again. I know what I'm doing is forever. It's a complete lifestyle change. I don't perceive it as being a quick fix.
To help me with my progress, when I first started, Luke asked me to write down a few aims and incentives. These were to help the both of us understand where I want to get to. My aims, or goals if you like, were practical things. For example, "Swap the moobs for pecs." The incentives were the things I wanted to happen, or treat myself to, as a result of what I was doing in the gym and kitchen. Again an example being "Find Mr Right."
At the beginning of 2015 Luke asked me to review my aims and incentives, and now as we start another new year it's time for me to evaluate these again and refresh them as required.
So here are my goals for 2016:
To help me with my progress, when I first started, Luke asked me to write down a few aims and incentives. These were to help the both of us understand where I want to get to. My aims, or goals if you like, were practical things. For example, "Swap the moobs for pecs." The incentives were the things I wanted to happen, or treat myself to, as a result of what I was doing in the gym and kitchen. Again an example being "Find Mr Right."
At the beginning of 2015 Luke asked me to review my aims and incentives, and now as we start another new year it's time for me to evaluate these again and refresh them as required.
So here are my goals for 2016:
- Looking at the data collected over the past twelve months I see that I've managed to reduce my body fat by 1.5% between March and the end of last year. So in 2016 I'd like to try and shave another 1.5% of body fat off - if I can - and bring my total down to 15.5%
- I'd like to maintain my current body weight of 81kg, unless it increases due to muscle gain.
- Add a little more cardio into the workouts I do at home. I have a self-powered treadmill that's been idle for almost two years. It would be good to incorporate that, or alternatively is it time to buy a bicycle for weekend rideouts?
- Continue to develop and tone all muscle groups as we're currently doing.
- Nutrition. I'd like to expand my repertoire of meals so I have more variety, but at the same time I'd like to pay attention to what food types I should be eating when, e.g. post-workout meals, non-work days etc.
My incentives for the this year are almost unchanged, but there's one major difference.
The quest to find Mr Right has been pushed down into second place. Top spot goes to "My health, well-being and happiness." This is because I've found such a good place to be in, both physically and mentally, that I have no intention of leaving it.
My other perennial incentive is to buy some new motorbike leathers. Last year I fell out of love with biking for some reason, which was odd considering it's been part of my life for 25 plus years. In 2016 I'd like to reconnect with that pastime, so perhaps something new to fit the trimmer me would be the incentive to kickstart that interest again.
So if you see me out on a bike - petrol or pedal-powered - in the springtime, don't forget to give me a wave. And if you live in the Edinburgh area and you're really serious about transforming your body through exercise and nutrition, then why not get in touch with Luke Bremner Fitness. There really is no time like the present. So what are waiting for now? January 1st next year…?