Friday, 17 October 2014



It was inevitable that this was going to happen. Luke at Luke Bremner Fitness has been forewarning me and preparing me for this day over the past 6 months.

So it's with a heavy-heart that I have to announce that my stats for this month aren't as good as they've been in the past. Not only have I put a little bit of weight on, both my chest and waist measurements have slightly gone in the wrong direction too. As a result, I doubt that I'll ever go out in public again, in case anyone notices.

I jest, of course… :)

In fact Luke and I had a quite a long philosophical chat about why this has happened during my monthly evaluation: Less intense workouts due to my injured right IT Band; A week's vacation in the sun; A couple of back-to-back weekend's away from home - when I missed doing a workout and had less control over my diet; Anxiety over a hospital appointment and; Introducing poultry back into my diet. One, or all, of these things could be a contributing factor.

Luke always talks sense. He's advised me not to radically change anything, as doing so wouldn't help us to identity what the possible root cause is. To assist us with this new challenge I've said goodbye to Argus, and hello to another new app - MyFitnessPal.

I've only been using MyFitnessPal for three or four days, but already it's pushed every geek and OCD button within me. Thanks to a handy feature that scans the barcodes of products I buy, I can easily scrutinise the nutritional statistics of the food I'm eating. Thus I can pin-point what is good and what is not so good. Based on this new information, it looks like I'll be in the kitchen even more now making meals from fresh raw ingredients.

I'm confident that what's happened to me over the past month is a temporary blip. With some fine-tuning to my diet and exercise programme, plus encouragement from Luke, my stats will head in the right direction once again.

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