Thursday 29 May 2014

8: Belt-up

It's hard to believe I've reached that part of the month again when Luke at Luke Bremner Fitness measures my body.

I recall reading somewhere, that after embarking on a fitness regime, it takes around 6 weeks before you start to see any physical changes. It takes another 6 weeks before family and friends start to see those changes, and then a further 6 weeks before the rest of the world notices them too.

To say my expectations have already been surpassed would be an understatement. I'm certainly noticing how rapidly my body has started to change. More importantly, so can my personal trainer.

Since 01 April 2014 I've lost 4.3kg (9.4lbs) of weight, 7.8cm (3.1") from my waist and 8.25cm (3.25") from my chest. This proves that it's totally feasible to lose 10 Pounds (4.5kg) in 10 Weeks. If an unfit forty nine year old man can do it – yes I really am that old! – then I'm sure anyone can do it.

A consequence of all these physical changes is that my current wardrobe is starting to feel rather large. Trackie bottoms I purchased two months ago, especially to go to the gym in, are beginning to resemble clowns’ pantaloons. I'm also grateful that both my Dainese motorbike jackets attach to my leather bike jeans with a zip, as they're actually helping to holding them up when I go out motorcycling these days.

Not that I'm complaining. Luke and I reviewed my initial personal goals today. The list included simple things that were important to me e.g. a flatter stomach and, to lose the 'moobs and spare tyre.' From what I see in the mirror, and from what Luke's measurements tell me, these are all happening.

Last week I ventured along the high street in order to buy some new trousers for work. Not only did I have to buy ones with a smaller waist size, but they're slim fit trousers too! Similarly yesterday evening I decided to try on a Hollister sweater. I got it ages ago but have never worn it as it was too small, despite the garment label saying its size was 'large.' It's now fits me perfectly.

Next on my urgent 'to buy' list are some new belts. All of my current ones are too large, and I'd certainly hate to have a Carry On Films 'Whoops! There go my trousers…' incident in public.

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